D&D Experience for Department of Energy (DOE) and Prime Contractors
TPMC has extensive experience in D&D at various DOE facilities across the U.S. TPMC has conducted the full scope of D&D activities including Work Planning; Readiness Reviews; Site Health and Safety; Characterization; Demolition; Waste Management; Confirmation Sampling; Regulatory Compliance; and Reports and Data Management.

D&D of Niagara Falls Storage Site (NFSS) Building 401
(Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program) FUSRAP Site
US Army Corps of Engineers
TPMC performed a MARSSIM-based building characterization and D&D of the 100,000 square foot former site power plant, tower area and three large concrete silos measuring more than 75 foot high with widespread radioactive and hazardous material contamination. Partnering with USACE resulted in development of a defensible MARSSIM-based survey plan for the free-release of demolition debris for unrestricted metal and concrete recycling and disposal at a local C&D landfill as well as Certified Health Physicist (CHP) assisted radioactive waste handling and disposal operations and development of the radiation protection program. TPMC oversaw all shipping container operations and ensured that all containers met U.S. and State Department of Transportation requirements. The project resulted in 500 tons of steel for recycling and over 1,000 tons of construction and demolition (C&D) debris for beneficial reuse.

Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
Management Support for Environmental and D&D Programs
Livermore, CA.
TPMC supported Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC in the management of their environmental restoration (ER) and decontamination & decommissioning (D&D) programs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). These programs include in-situ groundwater remediation, management and operation of treatment facilities, decontamination & decommissioning of radioactively clean and contaminated buildings, and environmental restoration research & development projects.

Please feel free to contact us with your questions or to discuss your needs in further detail.
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