TPMC currently manages multiple ground and
waste water treatment systems for private industry and various federal
agencies including projects involving O&M of systems, some of which
include air stripping with GAC polishing.
Treatment Pilot Study, Anodyne Site, Miami, FL. |
completed a pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of bio-enhancement
injections to treat chlorinated solvents in groundwater. This project
involved using existing monitoring wells as injection points to gather
operational information such as radius of influence and injection
design parameters and determining the effectiveness of various
biological enhancement alternatives. |
Groundwater Remediation for Former
Charlotte Army Missile Plant (CAMP) Site, US Army Corps of Engineers,
Charlotte, NC. |
has been contracted to provide a variety of services to completed
groundwater remediation at the site. TPMC will be revising the site
Proposed Plan (PP) and Decision Document (DD) for the site. Prior to
the document revision, TPMC will complete further investigation
including groundwater sampling; prepare and implement a pilot study to
define a new treatment scheme; and perform groundwater modeling to gain
an understanding of current site conditions. After this investigation
phase, TPMC will revise the PP and DD to specify the revised treatment
scheme. TPMC will then design, and implement the groundwater treatment
program. |
SVE and Groundwater Remediation System
Maintenance, Operation and Monitoring, San Jose, CA. |
TPMC completed final O&M
operations, including long-term monitoring, for the facility’s SVE and
groundwater remediation system before this system was shut down. The
system consisted of the SVE system, as well as liquid- and vapor-phase
GAC treatment. TPMC assisted in the closure of the site including
emptying the GAC vessels and shipping the GAC for regeneration. |
Installation of a Permeable Reactive
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. |
TPMC designed, engineered, constructed,
and installed a Groundwater Treatment System consisting of an in-situ
multi-cell permeable reactive barrier (PRB) and groundwater treatment
zone; and a low-permeability soil cap; and three carbon filter
treatment systems. |
Groundwater Investigation, Treatment, and
Long-Term Monitoring
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. |
This 1-acre
site contained highly
contaminated soils and a fractured flow dominated system associated
with the outfall discharge from a high explosives (HE) machining
facility. Deep GW around and down gradient from the machining facility
was contaminated with HE, RDX, and barium. Performance objectives were
to reduce concentrations of RDX and barium in alluvial GW and to
prevent their migration to recharge areas for deeper aquifers. This was
LANL’s first RCRA Corrective Measures Implementation project and TPMC’s
scope was based on a pre-existing concept design. TPMC has provided
turnkey environmental remediation to design, engineer, construct,
installation and monitoring of a groundwater treatment system that is
achieving the reductions in RDX and barium the New Mexico Environmental
Department (NMED) Consent Order required. |
Lawrence Livermore National Security,
Management Support for Environmental and D&D Programs
Livermore, CA. |
supported Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC in the management
of their environmental restoration (ER) and decontamination &
decommissioning (D&D) programs at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory (LLNL). These programs include in-situ groundwater
remediation, management and operation of treatment facilities,
decontamination & decommissioning of radioactively clean and
contaminated buildings, and environmental restoration research
& development projects. |
USACE Sacramento District ERS Contract. |
TPMC provided a wide range of
environmental services at multiple sites including determining
nature-and-extent characterization of hazardous sites; report and DD
preparation; community outreach; quality control testing and
surveillance; removal of tanks, drums, and transformers and treating
the associated waste and contaminated soils; sampling and analysis of
water and soil samples as well of the contents of tanks, drums, and
transformers; installation of monitoring wells, soil-venting systems,
groundwater treatment systems, and thermal extraction systems and
operation and maintenance of the facilities; removal, treatment, and
disposal of wastes from explosives and radiation contaminated media as
well as ordnance removal; and the planning and management of all work
efforts. |