Mountain Management and Operations Support
Bechtel SAIC Company (BSC)/DOE’s Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste
Management |
TPMC has provided technical support to
the Bechtel-SAIC (BSC) team under their management and operations
(M&O) contract with the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste
Management (OCRWM) for the U.S. Department of Energy. TPMC’s scope of
work included integrating program-level and project-level activities
and providing technical staff in a broad spectrum of technical
disciplines and study areas, such as regulatory strategy, policy
development, system studies, license application preparation, technical
baseline, geochemistry, igneous intrusion, performance confirmation,
and data qualification. TPMC also provided technical experts for
special studies, including evaluation of alternative waste forms and
development of a transportation/logistics simulation model that is
being used to model the “cradle to grave” waste management process for
the storage, transportation, packaging, and disposal of spent nuclear
fuel and high-level radioactive wastes from 129 sites to the geologic
repository at Yucca Mountain. |
Department of Energy Idaho Field Office
(DOE-ID) Technical and Management Assistance for Environmental
Restoration and Waste Management |
TPMC technical experts and professionals
were responsible for development and integration of three projects (the
Transportation Project, the Waste Acceptance Project, and the Geologic
Repository Project) into one OCRWM program, for disposition of
commercial and defense spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive
wastes from 129 sites across the United Sates.
TPMC provided technical
and management assistance to the DOE Idaho (DOE-ID) Field Office on a
broad range of hazardous and radioactive environmental restoration and
waste management services including radiological performance
assessments, assistance in revising DOE Order 5820.2B, input to DOE
Order 435.1, independent remediation project reviews, development of
mixed LLRW disposal systems, and risk assessment. TPMC also supported
the Greater-than-Class C LLRW management program, including evaluating
available options for the management and/or disposal of the various
types of commercial and DOE GTCC.
Radioactive Contaminated Soils Removal
for Decommissioning
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC),
Beltsville, MD
TPMC, in
our joint venture with EnergySolutions (as TES) is
performing a 3-year,
Small Business Set Aside, IDIQ contract for innovative and low-cost
remediation services for the free release/decommissioning, and license
termination of the BARC burial site located in Beltsville, MD. The
scope of services includes sampling of soils, liquids, low-level
radioactive waste (LLRW), and mixed wastes; remediation of contaminated
soils and back filling of excavated areas; packaging, transporting,
disposal of all samples, wastes and soils; transportation and disposal
of soil, mixed waste and LLRW; treatment and disposal of waste streams;
preparation of the Final Status Survey Report (FSSR); and completion of
the Human Health Baseline Risk Assessment (BSA).
To date, the team has disposed of 85,270 yards of contaminated soil to
date under an NRC/Agreement State license to perform the work outlined
in the DP and uses a JMC-approved broker to oversee packaging and
shipping of the material for disposal.
TPMC uses technologies and practices that are the least disruptive to
the environment, generate the least amount of waste, that use
recyclable materials, emit fewer pollutants and greenhouse gases, and
that reuse all “certified” clean excavated material to the extent
possible. Our technical approach ensures that 100% of the contaminated
materials present in the 46 burial cells present in the North Field of
the LLRBS are excavated, treated, and/or properly disposed of by TES.
Waste Packaging, Transportation and
Los Alamos National Security Master Task Order Agreement (MTOA)
project was the largest mobilization of bins and long-haul trucks of
any remediation project in the history of the DOE more than double the
size of the bin/truck fleet deployed at Rocky Flats during its peak
cleanup operations.. As a subcontractor, TPMC provides waste packaging,
transportation and disposal services. We plan for and accept
characterized, manifested and packaged wastes from multiple
environmental remediation subcontractors to LANS. We interface with
LANS subcontractors on remediation planning and approaches to providing
waste services support. For some of our tasks, site access is limited
to night work to avoid impacting ongoing operations, so we conduct
waste services when access is available.
Our proposed pricing was so advantageous to LANS that they awarded only
one contract for waste transportation and disposal instead of the two
originally planned. TPMC has delivered waste shipping services at less
than half the cost of services provided by previous subcontractors.
TPMC has also secured waste shipping profiles with several TSDFs for
industrial and special waste that had not been available in the past
due to perceived problems with characterization reliability and
shipment approval communication from LANL. Due to the diligence of TPMC
characterization, this issue has been eliminated.
We successfully completed accelerated transportation and disposal of
wastes under ARRA funding and with LANS normal funding. During this
campaign, we shipped and disposed more than 38,200 m3 of low-level
radioactive soil and debris, mixed waste and industrial waste to nine
different approved disposal sites, including EnergySolutions
Waste Control Specialists, U.S. Ecology and the Nevada National
Security Site over a 12-month period. This represents 3,000
over-the-road shipments from the remote and access-limited Los Alamos
site with 2.5 million miles driven and zero accidents.
This over-the-road shipping. |