TPMC has supported the DOE, DoD, and private industry clients faced with the challenges of managing sites contaminated with hazardous, radioactive and mixed wastes since the early 1990s. We provide a combination of senior program managers, experienced scientists and skilled field personnel that deliver high quality radiological waste management services to clients who rely on our expertise to solve their radioactive waste management challenges.

We retain in-house specialists such as Program Managers, Project Managers, certified radiation site workers and Certified Health Physicists, which enable us to work at radioactive impacted sites as the primary investigators. We also retain an active NRC license and approved radiation safety program to execute remediation and radiological Decontamnation and Decommissioning projects nationwide. Our experienced technical staff can be deployed quickly to address immediate needs.

Our specialized Radioactive and Radioactive Waste Management services include:

Radioactive Waste Site Characterization/Investigation/Remediation/Transport
Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal
Environmental Risk Assessment
Site Rehabilitation
Remedial Design/Action
Construction Oversight and Management
Low Level Waste Regulatory Support/Facility Planning
High Level Waste Transportation/Logistics Planning
Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) Support
Regulatory and Policy Support for Transuranic Waste Streams
MARSSIM Final Status Survey Design and Implementation

Please feel free to contact us with your questions or to discuss your needs in further detail.
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